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  • Being Damsport’s most elegant assassin is hard work. There’s tailoring to consider, devilish poisons to concoct, secret identities to maintain… But most importantly, Longinus has...

  • Born in Connecticut, raised in Florida, S L Dwyer has lived all over the country. She began as a nurse and went back to school for an engineering degree. Then on to finance and technology. Diverse,...

  • Diana Cachey is a licensed attorney, published academic and travel writer. She also holds a Bachelors Degree in English Literature and is a former adjunct professor of law and...

  • Explore our available books If you're looking for EPUB 3 eBooks for your digital device, then you've certainly come to the right place. This innovative format is the best when it comes to...

  • Johnny McCarthy: A Coal Miner’s Son, is Dwight Norris’ third novel. He is also the author of poetry, short stories, as well as fiction and nonfiction articles. Norris lives in the...

  • After a successful career in corporate America, three-time indieBRAG honoree Florence Osmund retired to write novels. "I like to craft stories that contain thought-provoking plots and characters...

  • In February 2012, a thought hit Matt: ‘What if Hell actually did freeze over?’.   It was a nagging thought, more of an epiphany. He pursued this thought tenaciously, bouncing...

  • Anne Louise O'Connell grew up in Halifax, Nova Scotia and has been an expat since 1993 when she and her husband escaped the cold of Canada on a hunt for warmer climes, with stops in Florida, Dubai...

  • The Weight of the Moon A pretentious, self-important couple is about to face the darkest day of their lives, courtesy of a flamboyant, well-upholstered opera luminary. When their best...

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