

  • LOVE SPIRITS, LAGOON LURE & MAGIC ISLAND.     On top of being sexy, gorgeous and classy, Louisa Mangotti is a respected attorney and Interpol expert who is puzzled by the odd...

  • Helen Yeomans has been writing fiction for more than twenty years. Her work includes screenplays, short stories and three novels, including The Money Tree, a story about a close-knit family living...

  • It is the middle of the twenty-second century. Humans have been exploring the known universe for over a hundred years, and have made contact with numerous alien species; some humanoid, some not....

  • Karen A. Wyle was born a Connecticut Yankee, but moved every few years throughout her childhood and adolescence. Wyle's voice is the product of almost five decades of reading both literary and...

  • You are about to read Volume 3 of The King Trilogy, the story of a thirty-three year old woman who chose to go to war with the greed and avarice of big business, the overwhelming power of the U.S....

  • Jana Petken is Scottish but resides on the East Coast of Spain. She is ex military and has travelled extensively, studying conflicts and the after effects they had on the population. She is a...

  • The author of this endearing memoir is an 82-year-old retiree living in Florida. How he got there is an amazing tale. Born in Vienna as Erich Lifschütz, an upper middle class Jew with Polish...

  • Myles Murchison is a writer whose career demonstrates versatility and accomplishment. He has achieved success in both arts and commerce. He is a published novelist, award-winning journalist,...

  • It starts with a body, disappearing from the morgue: It's just another night for Homicide detective Genevieve Freemen. Yet, the only problem is, that her whole night is about to be turned upside...

  •   What if everything you thought you knew about how the Cold War ended was wrong?    Forget about Reagan, Gorbachev. Walesa, Pope John Paul II, they were barely bit actors. ...

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