Posted Ian Mackenzie
by22nd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards Entry Title Clouds In The Wind Author: Ian Mackenzie Judge Number: 61 Entry Category: Mainstream/Literary Fiction Books are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning “needs improvement&rdqu...
Posted Rick Karlsruher
byNoveltunity® is excited to announce our Books For Life Membership. How many clubs can your join for life for the cost of a dinner and wine for two? Noveltunity® is in the business for the long run. We want our members to be our family. We also want to provide a cost-effective way fo...
Posted J. Conrad Guest
byAh, the dance. What men and women put each other—and themselves—through during the mating ritual. But in this scene, who is leading? This could be one of the most revised and reworked scenes I’ve ever written, a line or two added here and there increases the sexual tension...
Posted Rick Karlsruher
byJustine is on our Board of Advisors- The full articles can be read here: The publishing industry, as we all know, has changed drastically along with the rise of different technologies. There is one thing, though, that hasn...
Posted Dan Glover
byPlease forgive my extended absence... my writing often carries me away and I lose all sense of time. Anyway, I am back to offer more tidbits of Twitter advice. Also, please be aware that Twitter is planning some changes that will affect all its users come 2015. Rest assured I will be updat...
Posted J. Conrad Guest
byIf I had a dollar for every time someone told me, “that’s not what I meant,” I’d be rich. Wars may be politically motivated, but they’re started the result of a misunderstanding of words. My father always told me that the burden of communication lies with the c...
Posted admin
byThe opening paragraphs from a book are essential in drawing the reader into wanting to continue and also inspiring a potential publisher to want to look at more of the authors work. Luckily for Noveltunity® our selected authors really know how to set a story up from the beginning.  ...
Posted Dan Glover
byHello everyone! Welcome back to my continuing series on The Lazy Way to 100,000 Twitter Followers and please remember you may purchase the book right here and learn all these secrets tonight! Back to work... And please, whatever you do, don't just leave the egg on your ...
Posted Rick Karlsruher
byNoveltunity® is proud to name our Board of Advisors. This team has decades of industry experience that they are generously sharing with our company. For a company to maximize its potential, they must reach out to leaders and create a growing network. This is Noveltunity®'s firs...
Posted Rick Karlsruher
byHi Christine. Congratulations on Treasure Me winning the vote to become a Noveltunity® selection. How and when did you start writing? Please allow me to express my heartfelt thanks to Noveltunity® readers for selecting Treasure Me as a best read. I’m simply thrilled. Like many noveli...
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