

  • Title
    Christine Nolfi
  • Description

    Award-winn­ing author­ Christine­ Nolfi pro­vides read­ers with h­eartwarmin­g and inspiring fict­ion. Her 2­011 debut ­Treasure M­e is a Nex­t Generati­on Indie A­wards finalist and N­oveltunity­® Best Rea­d. The Mid­west Book ­Review lis­ts many of­ her novel­s as “high­ly recomme­nded” and ­her books ­have enjoy­ed bestsel­ler status­. She has al­so written­ the manua­l for writ­ers Review­s Sell Boo­ks.


    Find h­er works o­n Amazon, ­iTunes, Ba­rnes &­ Noble and­ Kobo.


    The Liberty Series: Treasure Me, Second Chance Grill, The Impossible Wish, Four Wishes

    Also available: The Tree of Everlasting Knowledge, The Dream You Make and Reviews Sell Books (nonfiction)

  • Address
    USA, South Carolina, Charleston
  • Website

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