January 2, 2015 -
Posted by Bret Tallent
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Bret Tallent (1960 - ) grew up in the southwestern United States where he gained an appreciation for the Native people's culture and traditions. He has since lived all over the country, but now...
December 18, 2014 -
Posted by admin
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Larry Brill grew up in San Jose, California with three goals: To become a broadcast journalist; to write a hit novel; and to pitch for a major league baseball team. Well, two out of three isn t...
December 18, 2014 -
Posted by admin
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Born in Connecticut, raised in Florida, S L Dwyer has lived all over the country. She began as a nurse and went back to school for an engineering degree. Then on to finance and technology. Diverse,...
December 18, 2014 -
Posted by admin
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In his past lives, Ira Nayman was, among other things: a cave painter whose art was not appreciated in his lifetime; several nameless peasants who died before their 20th birthday during the Dark...
December 6, 2014 -
Posted by Ira Nayman
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How hard could it be? You take Dimensional Portal(TM) technology and push - ahem, I mean convince - several seasoned (I like mine with more salt than is healthy and a dash of Tabasco) journalists...
Bonnie has taken what might be called the sandwich approach to writing. She started writing early, winning state-wide writing contests in grammar school, publishing an environmental fairy tale...
You are about to read Volume 3 of The King Trilogy, the story of a thirty-three year old woman who chose to go to war with the greed and avarice of big business, the overwhelming power of the U.S....
The Tainted Trust is, in addition to a moving and action packed thriller, a brilliant depiction of what perfectly normal people will do for love and money. No one wept when Jim Servito died. He...
THE BRIDGE TO CARACAS, (3rd edition), is Volume one of THE KING TRILOGY, an epic story, spanning four tumultuous decades, of an inconvenient fortune and its catastrophic affect on a loving family....