Donna M. Zadunajsky was born and raised in Bristolville, Ohio, and resides in Homer Glen, Illinois. She has written seven children’s books that are about her daughter and all the adventures...
Two years after their marriage, Jim Culback wasn’t the man Clare thought he was. How many more broken promises could she accept? After packing and moving everything they owned from Ohio to...
When Reese Walker finds what she suspects is a very valuable and career changing artifact, she is beyond elated! She seeks approval to fund further research and find the answers she so desperately...
Book I in the series, How I Became a Teenage Survivalist, was a quarterfinalist in the 2012 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest, being among the 5% of 10,000 novels that made it to that level....
February 26, 2015 -
Posted by Myles M
in Pages - Author
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Myles Murchison is a writer whose career demonstrates versatility and accomplishment. He has achieved success in both arts and commerce. He is a published novelist, award-winning journalist,...
The author of this endearing memoir is an 82-year-old retiree living in Florida. How he got there is an amazing tale. Born in Vienna as Erich Lifschütz, an upper middle class Jew with Polish...
Diana Cachey is a licensed attorney, published academic and travel writer. She also holds a Bachelors Degree in English Literature and is a former adjunct professor of law and...
L. Farrah Furtado was born and raised in Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Both her parents immigrated to Canada in the 1960’s from Azores, Portugal to escape poverty and Salazar’s...
L. FARRAH FURTADO is the sister of singer/ song writer and Grammy award winner Nelly Furtado. FURTADO is a published award winning author. Her spiritual allegories have been translated to Chinese...
On top of being sexy, gorgeous and classy, Louisa Mangotti is a respected attorney and Interpol expert who is puzzled by the odd...