What if everything you thought you knew about how the Cold War ended was wrong?
Forget about Reagan, Gorbachev. Walesa, Pope John Paul II, they were barely bit actors. ...
Born in Armidale, in the New England region of New South Wales, Australia, Lorraine Cobcroft has lived in four countries and worked at dozens of different jobs in a vast range of industries. She...
Michael A Durney first published in 2011 as the author of Clifford Wendell, Daydreamer Extraordinaire. His most recent novel, The Red Canoe, is a mystery-romance, packed with modern-day suspense...
Jana Petken is Scottish but resides on the East Coast of Spain. She is ex military and has travelled extensively, studying conflicts and the after effects they had on the population. She is a...
Dorothy Stephens is a freelance writer whose work has appeared over the past thirty years in numerous national magazines, newspapers, and journals. She was a finalist for the 1996 Bakeless Prize in...
Batya Casper, PHD, was Born in Scotland at the end of WWll, and raised in Israel. By profession, she is an actor, teacher, and director of theater, trained to manipulate conflict for dramatic...
Anne Louise O'Connell grew up in Halifax, Nova Scotia and has been an expat since 1993 when she and her husband escaped the cold of Canada on a hunt for warmer climes, with stops in Florida, Dubai...
Tanya Lisle is a novelist from Vancouver, British Columbia. Publishing several novels annually, she writes in a variety of genres from young adult urban fantasy to post-apocalyptic science. When...