We are fully live!

  • Our beta test was successful beyond our wildest dreams! We'd like to thank the 7500+ people who joined and those who helped us reach 1,500,000 page views during this period. 

    It's time to move into our next phase. We are live! Our worldwide eBook club is now a real business. Noveltunity® has members and writers from all over the world. Help us continue helping new or undsicvered writers and empower readers. We are an idea whose time has come!

    Our first event after gogin live is Saturday, April 12 at Noon EDT. It will feature Jsutine Schofield form Publsush. They speciailize in helpnig authors raise money via crowd-funding. This is a wonderful way to pay for all the expenses it takes to get your book ready for the world.

    Our next workshop for authors will feature Janice Hermsen. Her subject will be "Preparing a First Class Press Kit". In the new world of books, this is critical and must be doen by all authors. 

    For readers, you'll be meeting Ann Andrashie in late April and other authoer winning authors very soon

    Noveltunity® is taking the book club into the 21st century. Be a part of it. 



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